Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
The Gayatri Mantra
Om bhur bhuvah svah
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yonah prachodayat
English Translation:
We meditate on the transcendental Glory of the Deity Supreme, who is inside the heart of the earth, inside the life of the sky and inside the soul of Heave. May He stimulate and illuminate our minds.
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Other Translations:
Through the coming, going and the balance of life the essential nature which illumes existence is the adorable one may all perceive through subtle intellect
the brilliance of enlightenment
May we meditate on the effulgent Light (or Power)
of the Worshipful One Who Has given birth to all worlds.
May this One direct our Mind-rays towards the path of Good.
O Lord, Thou are the protector of life and of breath,
dispeller of miseries and bestower of happiness.
Thou are the creator and the most acceptable intelligence,
possessing eternal qualities. May Thine qualities and Thy inspiration pass to us.
"Enlightenment is a process of peeling back the many layers of the ego to experience your true radiant Infinite Self. It is a process of opening to your innermost being, and as a result to the entire Universe! Reaching towards the center of "you" you may find a spiritual cyclone. Yet, keep diving, beyond that there is a deep stillness. In the very essence of your being is where your true spiritual knowledge resides. This is the Source of your Reality and Universe. As you continuously rest deeper into the quiet peaceful still center in the heart of your being, you will eventually awaken to the Divine being you truly are. The longer you can abide in this center, the faster you'll find yourself manifesting a rich life, full of depth, meaning, clarity, love and abundant with bliss."
~Jafree Ozwald
Original translations found here:
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Happiness & suffering
Is suffering a choice?
Can I practice being happy?
Finding things to be happy about?
What if it doesn't work?
What if it does?
Where can I start?
Do I really like my job?
Do I really need to like it to start?
I like some things. Security. People. Thinkers. Variety.
If one being kills another, is there an effect on some level that each killer experiences?
If I give away money to a church, do I get a benefit? Now? Soon? In Heaven? Next life?
If I give but hate doing it and only do so to keep up appearances, do I get the same benefit?
So if intent matters....
What do I do to fix my intent?
The three things
Do what you do mindfully. Without concept or attachment to a result. Just stay with it. See Tolstoy's story told by Thich Nhat Hanh in an earlier post.
Dedicate any merit or benefit from your day to all others. Any other being. Imagine wrapping this merit up and giving it away.
Some call this the three supreme methods. I think Ben Franklin had a similar philosophy but did not call it by that name.
Practice listening.
Practice smelling.
Practice tasting.
Practice touching.
Practice silence.
Doing Yoga
I'm holding my position.
Thinking what's next
Reminding myself to wait.
How long do I wait?
Why wait?
Watch what comes up
I'm anxious.
I'm stiff.
I'm uncertain.
Is this the right way?
If I do more, will tomorrow be better?
If I push harder will I be stronger?
Why am I doing this.
Is it ok to count?
How deeply should I breathe?
Can I close my eyes?
Is it ok to stop now?
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Beauty of Spring Blocks My Way - Poem by Thich Nhat Hanh
Spring comes slowly and quietly
to allow Winter to withdraw
slowly and quietly.
The color of the mountain afternoon
is tinged with nostalgia.
The terrible war flower
has left her footprints-
countless petals of separation and death
in white and violet.
Very tenderly, the wound opens itself in the depths of my heart.
Its color is the color of blood,
its nature the nature of separation.
The beauty of Spring blocks my way.
How could I find another path up the mountain?
I suffer so. My soul is frozen.
My heart vibrates like the fragile string of a lute
left out in a stormy night.
Yes, it is really there. Spring has really come.
But the mourning is heard
clearly, unmistakably,
in the wonderful sounds of the birds.
The morning mist is already born.
The breeze of Spring in its song
expresses both my love and my despair.
The cosmos is so indifferent. Why?
To the harbor, I came alone,
and now I leave alone.
There are so many paths leading to the homeland.
They all talk to me in silence. I invoke the Absolute.
Spring has come
to every corner of the ten directions.
Its, alas, is only the song
of departure.
1951. This was written less than twelve hours after I fell in love
with a nun. It happened at the Vien Giac Temple on New Year's
Eve in the beautiful village of Cau Dat in the highlands. She was
twenty. Both of us realized that we wanted to continue being a
monk and a nun. So we decided to depart from each other. This
was not easy. I was lucky to having a loving and understanding
sangha with me at that time that made it possible. Forty-one years
later, I told this story in a twenty-one day retreat at Plum Village
in English, on the theme of Vipassana meditation in the Mahayana
~Thich Nhat Hanh
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Anza Borrego
Does it really look like this? How have I never put this on my list of places to be?
Image from:
What is happiness - What is happiness -
"Law" of Attraction?
& mentions this...
Most Important Time, Most Importan Place ...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
You have already been enlightened a million different times and in a million different ways (Rob Brezsny)
excerpt from "Pronioa," by Rob Breszney (