Thursday, December 26, 2013



I believe all things come from source energy. I believe that tapping into that source energy can sustain us. The trick is to recognize when I am straying from source energy and  then stopping to quiet my mind. I am deeply grateful when I tap into and am aware of source energy. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Another Gift

Out The Window

Out the window. 

I love meditating. The benefits I experience are incredible.  When I find a quiet corner for twenty minutes in the middle of a busy vacation, I feel I've received a gift from the whole universe. And when I have all that and can come out of the brief silence in front of a window looking out into some kind of garden, forest, or even a tree or two, I know I am truly lucky. 

My wish this holiday season is that everyone can find this kind of gift under their own tree. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Law of attraction

Law of attraction

There is no universal law of attraction

Each of us has an individual experience

Each of us develop our own truth

Each of these truths can feel solid like laws even when we come together and agree upon them and make them more real, but they are not permanent

Our own views situations environments all change which changes our outlook and our truth

What is my truth?

Is it helping?

Am I checking?

Who is taking responsibility?


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Intend to Relax

Segment Awareness
Pure Vibration
Life. Ants and babies
Stream of Consciousness
Attention. Non-physical
Fluid stream of consciousness

How do you reconcile death if death is a bad thing

It's so bad that you kill people when they kill people.

People push against what they don't understand.

Vibrate and resonate. With what feels good.

Contains death.

Relax and accept

Esther stood out on the fence row one day looking off into the bushes for one of her chickens and she discovered a little pile of fluffy feathers where the chicken had once been and in great anger she shouted into the bushes at whatever monster must surelu be there, "Monster!"

And we said to Ester, "...and what did you have for lunch today? Are you the only one who deserves to eat?" In other words, the monster does not get hungry too? and does not the universe provide for their lunch in the same way provide for your lunch?
Well, I replied that I only eat strangers chickens.
Somehow it seems different.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

Fwd: What to do?

> What is there to accomplish?
> 1)
> If life were simply living and being aware allows us to see what we like and dislike
> 2)
> ... And there is a source or an energy that gives you what you ask for and delivers what you allow
> 3)
> Then allowing or tending to my playground or conscious grid - my grid of conscious thoughts or my Buddha-Field -deliberately managing that -- noticing the subtle benefits of allowing the more likable pleasures to come in-- and the deliciousness of each thought bubbling up in each moment is the thing to do.
> That is the best thing for me to accomplish right now.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Understanding Abraham and the Buddha

What is the vortex? What is getting into the vortex?

When Abraham speaks through Esther about getting into this vortex, I think of meditation or bringing that super deep relaxed state from meditation into the active field or active daily life.

I think of the vibration of relaxation or tuning into a calmer frequency and I think of a frequency or vibration of knowing or a vibration of clarity, a vibration of joy or love.

I have also heard of this or at least it seems to me this is similar to teachings from the Buddha when he talks about a Buddha field or looking at the good or the ultimate good in everything around right here and now.

If I can look at what makes me feel clear, alive, appreciative, passionate, loving, or whole rather than unhappy thoughts like unfairness or jealousy or greedy thoughts of lack - then I am doing myself and everyone else a favor if I focus on or put my attention on those things which bring this vortex vibration this, relaxed vibration, this Buddha-field awareness.

That is my main goal. That is my primary mission in life.

Understanding Abraham and the Buddha

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Happy Today?

Happy Today?

What will make you totally happy today?

What feels better?

What seems most relaxing?

Finishing a task from yesterday?
Writing a new to do list?
Visiting with each person at work about their needs?
Listening to your department's needs / goals?

Taking time for two walks. Noon and 7
Hearing calm words of encouragement.
Reading stimulating words of truth.
Writing and playing with the new ideas you observed today.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Abraham Hicks - Enlightenment & The Teaching of Buddha

I've only studied Buddhism for about 10 years. And have only been introduced to Abrahams teachings through Esther for about two years. But this three minute talk seems to sum up what has been true for me about the similarities between Abraham's teachings and what I understand about the Buddha's teachings.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Belief & Learning

Belief & Learning

Can anyone teach happiness to those who don't want it?

What do you believe about happiness?

What do you believe about source energy - a fundamental space or vibration of energy that permeates and supports all things, all life.

What you believe about vibration and feeling your own vibration - That is what you believe about where you are right now with your own vibrations?

And what do you believe about moving toward a better or higher or more energetic or more supportive vibrational space?

What can you do today to help yourself and maybe others about noticing where they are or where you are vibrationally today?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

You Are Perfect Now

You Are Perfect Now

Abraham, through Esther, explains that looking at ourselves in some diminished way is not nearly as helpful as looking for all the good things right now. Start where we are and take a  look at what is good. Notice what makes you happy now. Not what you think will make you happy next week 

You Are Perfect Now

You Are Perfect Now

Abraham, through Esther, explains that looking at ourselves in some diminished way is not nearly as helpful as looking for all the good things right now. Start where we are and take a  look at what is good. Notice what makes you happy now. Not what you think will make you happy next week 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

Always Shining.

This is one of the best Abraham videos I have listened to. In 10 minutes it appears this extremely lighthearted jovial man is moved emotionally (to tears ?) by Abrahams light and source energy being shined on him directly in a moment for his benefit.

At least for me this is one of the huge benefits I get from listening to messages from Abraham -- That source is shining on all of us no matter what and we can tune into source energy any time no matter what.

Thank You.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Live for the perfect vibration

Live for the perfect vibration
The perfect pitch
The magnificent melody
The best feeling you can feel
Right Now.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Are Guilt & Regret Useless?

Are Guilt & Regret Useless?

I don't want to feel guilt.
Nor regret.
Are they just useless feelings?

Does my guilt move me to think better thoughts?
I hope so.

Does guilt help others?
I don't see how.

If I feel good, others around me will feel better.
I can temporarily help others, but ultimately they are responsible for their own choices, thoughts and feelings.

If I take care of my own needs first, I'll be in the best place possible to do what needs to be done. To make the best choices for my own happiness and well being.

If I feel guilt, sadness, and regret, especially because of actions of others, what good does that do? It primarily serves as a distraction.

I think this is what the message is in this Abraham-Hicks video.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Vibrations at your core.

Vibrations at your core.

What are you asking for subconsciously?

What do you believe so deeply you can't easily question it?

What can you do right now, every day, to move these deep thoughts, beliefs and vibrations toward a better feeling core - fundamental way of being?

Are there perfect meditations?

Are there perfect meditations?
Are there perfect meditators?
Maybe you are trying too hard.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Live fully.
Live freely.



Money? Wealth? Fortune? Gluttony? Waste?

Money? Wealth? Fortune? Gluttony? Waste?

Why do I hate wealth and want it so badly at the same time?

Is it waste? Is it gluttony? How much space does any one person need? Our family needs a lot of space when we come together for holidays. Who should own and maintain that space the rest of the year?

Why get mad at all the rich people trying to hold those spaces for special occasions?

Why assume that is waste?

It might seem as if all the homeless people and dirt poor people who would like a better space to live in every day should be given the opportunity to enjoy the rich people's unused space. but how would that work? Not an easy solution to that. So why get so angry at the rich for having and maintaining these huge spaces that just don't make sense foreveryone to have. If everyone had a mansion, who would clean them?

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013


Why would a "leader" who appears to be conscious of others be so greedy when it comes to stuff -- like food?  For example, imagine someone you know (I've got one in mind)  who claims to give generously, but always seems to have his or her hand out!  "Oh, who brought those cookies in?" Many are thinking, "Not you.  You haven't brought anything in the whole year, but you certainly have jumped in to grab what looks good." 

Why are you so GREEDY??? Why, when there are ten donuts in the break room do you take TWO for yourself when others (of our 100++ co-workers) are cutting a donut in half to leave something for their peers (friends even)?

But MORE importantly, why can't I say something?  Why do I let MY OWN MIND run away with my angry thoughts about this topic?  Why can't I let it go?  I think mainly because of my PERCEPTION of unfairness of the whole thing.  The "I'm going to get mine first and THEN you can have a slice" mentality that I see in ME - AND I GET ANGRY AT THAT.  And I see it all over.  Kids, Schools, Malls, (brings even more meaning to Bhagavan Das' statement that when he goes to the mall he feels like he's getting "mauled" -- ha ha)   I know it's not healthy, but I have no tools to successfully deal with it.

Why do I get so frustrated with that co-worker who gets to sit at his or her desk all day waiting for that email, that says, "I've got two tickets to the Red Sox" & the dipshit computer gazer who stares at the screen all day gets a little alert -- hey, you win, all of us here in the trenches loose. 

HELP!!  I'd love any comments….


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

We Shall Be Free

Garth Brooks - We Shall Be Free

This ain't comin' from no prophet
Just an ordinary man
When I close my eyes I see
The way this world shall be
When we all walk hand in hand

When the last child cries for a crust of bread
When the last man dies for just words that he said
When there's shelter over the poorest head
We shall be free

When the last thing we notice is the color of skin
And the first thing we look for is the beauty within
When the skies and the oceans are clean again
Then we shall be free

We shall be free
We shall be free
Stand straight, walk proud
'Cause we shall be free
When we're free to love anyone we choose
When this world's big enough for all different views
When we all can worship from our own kind of pew
Then we shall be free
We shall be free

We shall be free
Have a little faith
Hold out
'Cause we shall be free

And when money talks for the very last time
And nobody walks a step behind
When there's only one race and that's mankind
Then we shall be free

We shall be free
We shall be free
Stand straight, walk proud, have a little faith, hold out
We shall be free

We shall be free
We shall be free
Stand straight, have a little faith

We shall be free