Sunday, May 5, 2013


Live fully.
Live freely.



Money? Wealth? Fortune? Gluttony? Waste?

Money? Wealth? Fortune? Gluttony? Waste?

Why do I hate wealth and want it so badly at the same time?

Is it waste? Is it gluttony? How much space does any one person need? Our family needs a lot of space when we come together for holidays. Who should own and maintain that space the rest of the year?

Why get mad at all the rich people trying to hold those spaces for special occasions?

Why assume that is waste?

It might seem as if all the homeless people and dirt poor people who would like a better space to live in every day should be given the opportunity to enjoy the rich people's unused space. but how would that work? Not an easy solution to that. So why get so angry at the rich for having and maintaining these huge spaces that just don't make sense foreveryone to have. If everyone had a mansion, who would clean them?

Friday, May 3, 2013