Sunday, August 18, 2013

Understanding Abraham and the Buddha

What is the vortex? What is getting into the vortex?

When Abraham speaks through Esther about getting into this vortex, I think of meditation or bringing that super deep relaxed state from meditation into the active field or active daily life.

I think of the vibration of relaxation or tuning into a calmer frequency and I think of a frequency or vibration of knowing or a vibration of clarity, a vibration of joy or love.

I have also heard of this or at least it seems to me this is similar to teachings from the Buddha when he talks about a Buddha field or looking at the good or the ultimate good in everything around right here and now.

If I can look at what makes me feel clear, alive, appreciative, passionate, loving, or whole rather than unhappy thoughts like unfairness or jealousy or greedy thoughts of lack - then I am doing myself and everyone else a favor if I focus on or put my attention on those things which bring this vortex vibration this, relaxed vibration, this Buddha-field awareness.

That is my main goal. That is my primary mission in life.

Understanding Abraham and the Buddha

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Happy Today?

Happy Today?

What will make you totally happy today?

What feels better?

What seems most relaxing?

Finishing a task from yesterday?
Writing a new to do list?
Visiting with each person at work about their needs?
Listening to your department's needs / goals?

Taking time for two walks. Noon and 7
Hearing calm words of encouragement.
Reading stimulating words of truth.
Writing and playing with the new ideas you observed today.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Abraham Hicks - Enlightenment & The Teaching of Buddha

I've only studied Buddhism for about 10 years. And have only been introduced to Abrahams teachings through Esther for about two years. But this three minute talk seems to sum up what has been true for me about the similarities between Abraham's teachings and what I understand about the Buddha's teachings.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Belief & Learning

Belief & Learning

Can anyone teach happiness to those who don't want it?

What do you believe about happiness?

What do you believe about source energy - a fundamental space or vibration of energy that permeates and supports all things, all life.

What you believe about vibration and feeling your own vibration - That is what you believe about where you are right now with your own vibrations?

And what do you believe about moving toward a better or higher or more energetic or more supportive vibrational space?

What can you do today to help yourself and maybe others about noticing where they are or where you are vibrationally today?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

You Are Perfect Now

You Are Perfect Now

Abraham, through Esther, explains that looking at ourselves in some diminished way is not nearly as helpful as looking for all the good things right now. Start where we are and take a  look at what is good. Notice what makes you happy now. Not what you think will make you happy next week 

You Are Perfect Now

You Are Perfect Now

Abraham, through Esther, explains that looking at ourselves in some diminished way is not nearly as helpful as looking for all the good things right now. Start where we are and take a  look at what is good. Notice what makes you happy now. Not what you think will make you happy next week 

Saturday, August 10, 2013