Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Here and Now

What's right in front of you doesn't exist. 

And yet what's right in front of you is all there is.

Your thoughts are The results of how you see things around you and interpret words and ideas you hear. 

And yet all these words and all these things that stimulate your thoughts were not here at all millions of years ago and will no longer be here millions of years from now. 

So in any eternal sense of reality none of these things are real mainly because they are not lasting.

And if we hold the ideas about these things and we are not lasting how can any of our ideas to be real?

Some people say there is a God who outlasts all these things in this God holds the ideas that are eternal. That may be true but if this god is beyond my ability to understand and beyond my ability to communicate with I don't feel that I get much to help me right now other than through the ideas of others going through the exact same thing I'm going through. 

Others can tell me their belief in God helped them through troubled marriages or difficult working situations. I might hear those ideas and try those same things out. But there is no question in my mind that those ideas came from another man or woman not from God. If people want me to try to have faith that these ideas did come from God and not men, I would have to ask, "Why does God speak to some and not to others if this God loves everyone equally and gives unconditionally?" If this God requires me and others to prove that we are worthy of his direct audience for communication or relationship I don't understand the unconditional all giving part. 

I have tried to understand it. Maybe this is a test. Maybe this is some form of punishment. Maybe this test or punishment requires that I endure this without really knowing why I was here.maybe that was to enhance the effect. 

And yet there are so many confident successful people who appear to me to be spiritually grounded in the sense  that they are much more open, accepting, calm, healthy, happy, and wealthy. These gifted and fortunate people seem to emphasize that ANYONE who is relaxed and open can tap into this peaceful and rich life. 

I am here. 

Sat Nam

I am.