Friday, April 26, 2013


Why would a "leader" who appears to be conscious of others be so greedy when it comes to stuff -- like food?  For example, imagine someone you know (I've got one in mind)  who claims to give generously, but always seems to have his or her hand out!  "Oh, who brought those cookies in?" Many are thinking, "Not you.  You haven't brought anything in the whole year, but you certainly have jumped in to grab what looks good." 

Why are you so GREEDY??? Why, when there are ten donuts in the break room do you take TWO for yourself when others (of our 100++ co-workers) are cutting a donut in half to leave something for their peers (friends even)?

But MORE importantly, why can't I say something?  Why do I let MY OWN MIND run away with my angry thoughts about this topic?  Why can't I let it go?  I think mainly because of my PERCEPTION of unfairness of the whole thing.  The "I'm going to get mine first and THEN you can have a slice" mentality that I see in ME - AND I GET ANGRY AT THAT.  And I see it all over.  Kids, Schools, Malls, (brings even more meaning to Bhagavan Das' statement that when he goes to the mall he feels like he's getting "mauled" -- ha ha)   I know it's not healthy, but I have no tools to successfully deal with it.

Why do I get so frustrated with that co-worker who gets to sit at his or her desk all day waiting for that email, that says, "I've got two tickets to the Red Sox" & the dipshit computer gazer who stares at the screen all day gets a little alert -- hey, you win, all of us here in the trenches loose. 

HELP!!  I'd love any comments….


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