Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Simple Truths

From Jodo Shin

1. Think BIIG
2. Wake up
3. Give

1. Think BIIG. Life is:
A. Like a Bumpy road.
B. Impirmanent
C. Inter-dependent
D. Great, If you choose

A. Like a Bumpy road.
Illness, aging, death, birth, not getting what you desire, being separated from loved ones, having to associate with people you don't get along with, being attached to your thoughts and senses

Some solutions
1. Being open and giving to others
2. Being and acting responsibly to yourself and others
3. Making a sincere effort to resolve problems
4. Being patient
5. Being mindful, meditating
6. Observing and practicing these truths

"Our motives are essentially self centered. For example without taking the life of some living beings for food, we cannot survive." 
... Shinran Shonin. / Ken Tanaka
Jodo Shin Teachings for Young People

Small Self-
Is like a wave in the ocean - think of the greatest surfing wave 
Big Self -
The ocean

The waves essence lasts as long as the oceans,
The wave is very impermanent no matter how impressive. 

Things to do:
Plant trees
Consume less
Care for those suffering
Convey compassion
Sing, write, create Buddhist music
Dance at Bon dances
Learn CPR, first aid, sign language
Teach these truths

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